Getting ungated in this restricted category benefits Amazon sellers because those who love watches and understand its beauty have not flinched the tradition of tying the same to one’s wrist. Watches are popular timekeeping devices worn around the wrists. Watches had played a vital role throughout history. Watches came in various types, shapes, and sizes. As time keeps changing, people have started to rely on their electronic devices to track time.

Selling Watches On Amazon:

As per the statistics, each year about 1.2 billion watches are sold around the world. The watches have a prominent niche carved for themselves in the online markets. They are always in trend and never get out of fashion. It is a great business to startup if you are passionate about or related to style, fashion, jewelry and the cost of watches is low, allowing you to build a profitable business quickly and easily. You have to handle genuine and properly certified products to enhance your business on Amazon. Selling watches after the category approval in the gated sector will fetch your higher profits and greater reputation.

Why Is The Watches Category Restricted On Amazon?

Amazon an online market giants have certain responsibilities towards its loyal customers, it limits the sale of watches on its domain to put a check on fraudulent sellers who may misuse its platform. In order to sell watches on Amazon, the seller has to first acquire the category approval in ungating the watches category on Amazon. It is solely for the well-being of its customers, that Amazon has restricted the sale of watches. It is to ensure that the buyers can purchase with confidence and peace.

Watches on Amazon are under gated category which means it is restricted. As a seller, you have to apply for the category approval on Amazon with authentic bills, receipts, and manufacturers’ invoices. Sellers were required to meet certain qualifications before they can indulge in the sale of products that are listed within the restricted category. By ungating yourselves on Amazon’s online marketplace, you are free to sell approved genuine products to its customers and earn more profits than those who do not sell in the gated category.

Why Ungating Services?

Earning higher profits by selling your approved items on Amazon’s restricted category may sound all nice until you are not able to clear the ungating process. If the ungating procedure is not familiar to you, if you have difficulties getting approved even though you have met all of the requirements or if your request was denied, all this can mean only one thing – seek professional help from TheFunnelGuru. We handle all your paperwork, review your invoices and certificates. We assess all your previously failed attempts to discover what exactly went wrong. We guide you with step by step instructions through the ungating and approval journey.

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